Thursday, February 28, 2008

People told me it was going to be busy taking care of two little ones so close in age, and I can now say they were right! It's honestly busier than any job I've ever had. It's like a 21-hour shift of non-stop craziness but with a cruel twist; once you've settled down for the night for a nice sleep, the little one wakes up 10 minutes later to be fed. Oh the fun...

So, with the hour of free time I got this afternoon while both little angels are napping, I thought I'd add some pictures to the blog. Here you go!

Daddy the tickle monster!

Sawyer's first bath. He was so calm.

Cuddle in!
Do you have anything more exciting for me to look at?

My two little angels

Maggie reading Sawyer a story

Cute hat
Afternoon nap in the sun

Saturday, February 16, 2008

Pictures of new baby Sawyer

Cozy ride home from the hospital

First nap in his bassinet

Oh so tired daddy

Cuddling with Poppy Poppy

Saturday, February 9, 2008

Introducing the Maggie & Sawyer Blog

Welcome to the new Maggie & Sawyer blog!