Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Finally an update!

Sorry folks but the blog has become pretty low on the priority list these days. I never get a chance to do anything anymore. Unless by some small chance both kiddies have a nap at the same time, my computer time is limited to about 10 minutes in the evening before I crash for the night.
So now as both kiddies have fallen asleep for the night and I have some extra energy after my soccer game, I can finally give an update!
Sawyer is now 4 1/2 months old and growing fast. He's now a whopping 18lbs!! He's becoming quite the laddio, constantly moving, moving, moving. The Jolly Jumper is now his favourite toy and it is perfect for him because he can jump and jump with his big chunky legs. His personality is starting to show now as well. He can chuckle as loud as a little kid, but then he can quickly turn that into a shrill loud cry.
Maggie is now 22 months and such a little cutie. She has so many words in her vocabulary and can even string together some pretty good sentances like "Daddy's peeing in the washroom" and "Sawyer's sleeping; Maggie's not sleeping". She amazes me every day with something new she's learned. She also figured out recently how to jump and has tried to jump off of almost everything she can get up on.
Here are some pictures from the past few weeks. Enjoy!

Visit to the Animal Farm

Maggie playing with Sawyer
Maggie and her friend Jo-Jo

Maggie's first haircut

The little lady's new sleeping bag

The charming little Reed

Our first camping trip